Traveller Worlds


Science Fiction Adventure

in the Far Future

Rendering ...

World Name:

Name your world here.


Starport or Spaceport












Law Level


Technology Level


Trade Classifications and Remarks

Note well: the map will be redrawn using the seed above if you alter any UWP digit. You can change this setting to prevent this by going to View > Your Preferences. If you switch automatic redrawing off, the map may not match how you have changed the UWP (e.g. size or hydrographics may be wrong).

Orbit Details


Orbit number (decimal) around parent star. This can be adjusted with the arrow buttons.

Orbital Distance:

Adjust orbit with first up and down arrows; adjust the decimal place with the second:

Orbital Period:

Calculated Orbital period in Earth Years

Port Details

Starport Class


High Port

Down Port



Refined Hydrogen Fuel

Unrefined Hydrogen Fuel

Fissionable Radioactives

Anti-matter fuel slugs

Replacement Collector Canopies

Size Details

Size UWP value explanation:

What the size digit in the UWP means

Diameter (km):

Equatorial Diameter of world in km

Density Type:

Basic internal materials of world.

Density (Earth=1):

Density where Earth = 1

Mass (Earth=1):

Mass in Earth Masses - calculated

Gravity (G):

Calculated gravity in Gs (Earth=1)

Rotational Period (Hours):

Rotational Period in Earth Hours. If Tz or Lk, rotation period & orbital period are the same.

Jump Point (km):

Distance required to safely jump. This distance includes clearing a planet's jump point for satellites, and the star.

Time to Jump Point at ...:

Time to jump point at standard Gs from Maneuver Drives.

Belt Details

Predominant Size

Around 30% of objects will be approximately this size. Most will be smaller.

Maximum Size

Some objects (approximately 1%) will be up to this size, unless the predominant size is the maximum size.

Belt Width (AU)

The width of the belt in AU. The middle of the belt will roughly be the indicated AU distance from the star.

N-zone percentage

The percentage of the width of the N-zone. The N-zone is where Nickel / Iron objects dominate, drawn towards the star as they are denser and heavier.

M-zone percentage

The percentage of the width of the M-zone. The M-zone a mixed zone of some Nickel / Iron objects, some rocky objects, and some carbonaceous and ice objects.

C-zone percentage

The percentage of the width of the C-zone. The C-zone is where carbonaceous and icy objects dominate, being lighter and not as drawn to the star.

Atmosphere and Temperature details

Atmosphere UWP digit explanation

Atmospheric Pressure

Atmospheric Pressure in Earth Atmospheres

Atmospheric Composition

Description of Atmopsheric Composition


Albedo is the proportion of energy reflected into space (between 0 and 1)

Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse retention of heat by the atmosphere as a multipler (e.g. 1.05 = 5%)

Axial Tilt (degrees)

Axial Tilt - used to calculate seasonal variations

Base World Temperature

The average temperature for the world calculated using stellar luminosity, distance from the star, greenhouse effect and albedo.

Average Daytime Temperature

The base temperature plus the typical temperature rise caused by the sun during the day. The average daily maximum temperature.

Average Nighttime Temperature

The base temperature minus the typical temperature fall during the night. The average nightly minimum temperature.

Summer Increase

The maximum increase of temperature in summer when a hemisphere is tilted towards the parent star.

Winter Decrease

The maximum decrease of temperature in winter when a hemisphere is tilted away from the parent star.

Upper Temperature Limit

Daytime temperature plus summer increase.

Lower Temperature Limit

Nighttime temperature minus winter decrease.

Hydrosphere Details

Hydrographic Percentage

More precise percentage of planet covered in liquid.

Surface Liquid Composition

Are you SURE that's water!?

Native Life?

The world has or does not have native life. Regardless, the world may have imported species.

Seismic Stress

Seismic Stress minus 4 is the daily chance on 4D for an earthquake, Mod +2 if on a fault line.

Natural Resources

Agricultural Wood, meat, spices, fruit, grain
Ore Iron ore, copper ore, tin ore, silver ore, alumina, rare earths
Radioactive Uranium ore, thorium ore, radium ore
Gem and Crystal Diamond, emerald, ruby, quartz, opals, granite, sapphire, amethyst
Petrochemical Natural gas, oil, coal

Processed Resources

Agricultural Liquor, dairy products, canned fruit, frozen vegetables, prepared food and sauces, confectionary, beverages, smoking products
Alloys Steel, tungsten, iron, copper, bronze, brass, silver, aluminium
Agroproducts Textiles, polymers, pharmaceuticals

Manufactured Resources

Weapons Firearms, ammunition, blades, body armor
Mechanical Parts and Goods Tools, vehicle parts, vacc suits, white goods
Heavy Equipment Aircraft, ATV, AFV, machine tools, farm machinery
Electronics Computers, electronic parts, cybernetic parts, computer parts, security systems, communicators
Gravitics Anti-grav modules, grav belts, gravitic communicators
Information Scientific, Legal or Commercial data whether in paper or electronic forms.

Population Details

Population Digit from UWP

Population Multiplier

Total Population

Intelligent Life Status

Indication of the (Native) Intelligent Life on this world.

Government Details

Government Digit from UWP

More generated detail about government

Law Details

Law Level Digit from UWP

Law level explanation

Technology Details

Technology Level Digit from UWP

Historical Era







Developing Science

Latest Technology


Fastest Speeds

Personal Weapons

Heavy Weapons

Space Travel

Space Weapons

Space Defences

Starship sensors

World range sensors

Traveller Worlds

Traveller Worlds